Welcome to Visitors

Greetings. I am Clawface, the Alpha of these parts. I can see you're unfamiliar with my territory, yes? Come along. You'll find something similar to hospitality inside our camp, though not for more than a night or two or you'll start getting dirty looks. Our pack is among the largest and strongest of packs. We are not your average softhearted puppy-pets, as are many of our... ahem... cousins, but rather stonehearted warriors who do not and will not hesitate to defend each other at the cost of our lives. It would be a good idea for you to keep your intentions and destinations to yourself. More than one of us is suspicious of any and all strangers. So go ahead and take a look around. Grab a bite to eat when the crabbier packmates, including myself, aren't watching, take a swim at the falls... whatever, for all I care. Just don't be here tomorrow unless you want to join us! We'll see about that.

Romeo's Duties

Finish your Border Patrol and report back to me in the Alpha's Den.

((... I'd also like for the person who roleplays as Romeo to make your activity known - otherwise you will be taken from your position. I can't have inactive Betas, now can I?))

Sky's Duties

Relieved from duties, for the moment.

(( Kudos to you, Alado/Pebble, for being one of the only people still active here XD ))

Amber's Duties

Relieved from duties for the moment.

((Until your roleplayer shows me he/she is active!))

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More Plot + New Member

((At last, another new member! However there are two things I'd like to point out to Lionstar because I need to know. XD
First of all, you didn't say what her rank was. Hunter, Guard, Apprentice, ect. (I would have MUCH prefered you used the form I have. I beleive I have said before that if you don't use the form I'm not going to add you. However I'm in a particularly nice mood today and am adding you anyway.)
Second, the picture you had has (technically) already been used. One of my own characters, Twister, uses the exact same photo except for having a black stripe down her back. Either you can give me a different one, or I'll find one for you. ☺
Anyway, on to the plot!))

Clawface leapt up to the Tallrock and threw her head back in a long howl. "Let all those old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Tallrock for a Pack meeting!" Nearly all the wolves in the pack flooded into the clearing. They stared up at their Alpha, waiting to hear what she had to say.
"We have a new wolf in our pack this evening," Clawface barked from atop her perch. "Make welcome Snow, our newest ((*insert rank here*)), and do not exclude her from your daily lives. She is one of us now, and has accepted the life of a Moonpack wolf. Meeting dismissed!"

Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow!

Suddenly the barks died down as a jet-black wolf burst through the entrance to the camp. Numerous wolves sprang to their feet and bared their fangs, fur bristling as they prepared to defend their packmates to the death.
The black wolf shied noticeably.
Clawface leapt down from the Tallrock, her chin lifted slightly. "Who are you?"
The black wolf, seeing the Alpha, replied "Greetings, Clawface."
Clawface's expression was completely unreadable. "Answer my question."
The newcomer dipped her head. "I am Moonshine," she replied softly.
Clawface looked Moonshine over carefully. The black wolf would have been completely normal if it wasn't for the glowing mark on her forehead, which caught her attention. Clawface had never seen anything like it.
"Why are you here?"
"To help you." Moonshine lifted her head. "Moonpack is in grave danger."
Clawface's tone was even. "How would you know?"
Venom snarled behind Clawface.
Moonshine eyed him. "That I cannot tell you. I am only here to warn you of the terrible fate you are destined to walk."
There were more growls.
Clawface flicked her tail for silence. "Why should we trust you?"
"Because I ask you to."

((Now you post your reactions.....also, just to twist the plot, I need someone to fall in love with Moonshine.))

Black wolf w. white shine


  1. (ROUGE????????????? THAT WOULD BE WEIRRDDDD Or you could use Shinta XD)

  2. Amber narrowed her eyes and steps up, "Clawface, if I may" she said diping her head then turning to Moonshine, "Where did you come from? You look too healthy to be a rouge but you are obviously not one of the pack" she says diping her head once again and stepping back to sit beside Sky.

    Ash nodded at Ambers question but dosn't look at Twister, he didn't want to see the rejection he thourght he would see there.

  3. ((Rotflol! XD You pick, and you play! Whoever wants to fall in love with Moonshine can RP it out himself. :D ))

    Clawface stepped aside to let Amber speak.
    Moonshine's eyes were soft. "That, you are not yet permitted to know. But you are correct in saying that I am not a rogue. Neither am I a loner. I suppose you could say I was from a pack...." she shook her head. "But no matter."
    Twister hung around near the edge of the clearing, not wanting to meet Ash's gaze. She didn't know what to do now. She had hurt Ash without even trying, and now her heart was torn.

  4. Amber nodded and looked into Moonshines eyes for a long moment before she was convinced she was no danger and sat back.

    Ash looked down at his paws, his eyes distant.

  5. Shinta curled his lip. This wolf smelled weird, airy as if she just made it to the forest. "What pack are you from, if your not a rouge - or a loner" he pressed.

  6. Moonshine stared the gray wolf down with her light yellow eyes. "You will find out soon enough," She replied quietly. "And you probably wouldn't really take me seriously."
    Moonshine turned back to Clawface. "Please, listen to me. Moonpack is in danger, and if you don't make the needed preparations, you'll be completely wiped out."
    Clawface tilted an eyebrow.

  7. "Wiped out by what? We have nothing but peace-well exxcept for that rouge that attacked Rouge" Shinta pressed on wanting to draw out some information from the strange. . . . .wolf

  8. "You don't know the entire picture," Moonshine replied nonchalantly. She sighed and looked over at Clawface. "I've come to join your pack for a short while to guide you."
    Clawface took this as an insult. "You don't think I am fit to lead this pack?" She snarled, her voice low.
    Moonshine's expression showed absolute shock. "I never said that!"
    Clawface flattened her ears slightly. "I can guide my pack myself, without your help, thank you very much."
    Moonshine's voice sounded desperate now. "Please, please, just listen to me. I haven't come to take over your pack, or even suggest you are unfit to lead. No wolf would be better. But there are things I know of which you don't."

  9. "Why should we trust you?" Shinta growled, more annoyed that this wolf wouldn't give out any helpful information.

  10. Moonshine sighed again, exasperated. "Well, why don't you tell me?" She countered. "What do I have to do to earn your trust if you won't take my word?"

  11. Shinta thought for a moment rolling each idea around in his mouth "Why don't you. . . . . actually show us what the enemy is?"

  12. "And let you be killed?" Moonshine snapped. "I don't think so."

  13. Shinta curled his lip "Killed by what!? Some magical group of rouges that decides that a pack like Moonpack should be, 'wiped out'"


    Moonshine just looked at him flatly. "No need for sarcasm," she barked. "You may be more right than you know."

  15. Shinta lifted up his chin "Well what are you going to do about it? What can we do?"

  16. Moonshine's eyes glowed with despair, as well as some other sort of feeling one couldn't name. "Leave, gain more allies, or die."

  17. Ambers eyes widened in shock and looked at Sky, "We can't let that happen!" she barked as mutterings from the other wolves rose up around her.

    Ask didn't even react, he felt as if he was wasting away inside.

    (Could Moonshine like Ash? 'cus she could help him get over twister.)

  18. ((Sure, but Ash has gotta like her first. XD ))

    Moonshine dipped her head to Clawface. "You have some time. But not much. Please, allow me to stay with you. I'll help you through this."
    Clawface bristled slightly. She didn't like the thought of getting help from an outsider. Nevertheless, there was something about this black wolf that wasn't natural (besides the strange glowing mark on her forehead). Clawface had a gut feeling that it wouldn't be a good idea to kick her out.
    "Very well," she said gruffly.
    Moonshine dipped her head again. "Thank you."

  19. Shinta stepped up "Where will she sleep? With our Guards or Hunters? Perhaps she should just sleep somewhere else."

  20. Ash looked up and was instantlly mesmerised by Moonshine and was appaled by him not noticing her sooner, "She...She can stay in the Hunters Den" he stamered, he was still depressed from Twister but the sight of Moonshine stirred something inside him.

  21. He looked around a bit confused at what was going on. "So what are we going to do?" He asked himself still not quite sure of Moonshine.
    (REally, I am confused O.o, lol)

  22. ((XD))
    Clawface tilted her head slightly at Ash. Moonshine did too.
    "Very well then, Ash. Hunter's den it is." Clawface barked. She flicked her tail slightly. "Since you've had the honor of choosing Moonshine's place to sleep, you may show her around, Ash."
    Moonshine nodded quietly to the light gray wolf. Ash, the Moonpack Alpha had called him. Fitting name.
    ((Basically, Moonshine came into the camp to warn them of an incoming danger. But she wont tell them exactly what it is, because since she's from Starpack she can't. Clawface decided to let her stay.))

  23. (Okay? Lol. Sorry I don't get it. My emotions are,.. well wack, I don't get anything, I don't know what to do anymore! :P)

    He nodded. "Welcome Moonshine."

  24. (Lolz, hope ya feelin better soon. Even though a don't really know you :) )

    Ash nodded and stood up, looking at Moonshine curiously, wondering what made his heart leap when he saw her, he never felt that with Twister, "Well might as well see where you will sleep" he said shrugging and trying to look indifferent as to not attract any more attention,
    he didn't know how many wolves knew what
    happed with Twister.

    Amber leaned against Sky, "Yes, Welcome Moonshine" she said.

  25. ((Well, one of the starpack wolves had the power to reincarnate Moonshine. XD So she did. I hope you feel better soon too.))

    Moonshine nodded to Sky and Amber. "Thank you." She padded after Ash quietly.

  26. (I'm not sick, just confused :P)

    He nodded then turned to Amber. "What do you see about getting cleaned off?" He asked as he looked at his gritty pelt.

  27. ((Lol! I meant that! Hope life gets better! More fun! Non Confusing! :D))

    Ash nodded and led the way to the hunters den trying not to let the hurricane of emotions show on his face.
    (Next post at the hunters den!)

    Amber nodded and laughed "I guess we do look little weird!"

  28. (LOL)

    He chuckled. "You can never look 'wierd' but I sure can!" He licked at the dry mud on his fur."How about we go to the river?"

  29. Shinta grumbled "For all we know that could be a puppy-pet!"

    (XD get it? Like kitty-pet LOL)

  30. Snow looked at Moonshine curiously, trying to guess where she was from. Her eyes narrowed in deep thought and confusion. She looked down to her snow-white paws and thought harder. Maybe I can befriend her... I need a friend...

    (Can she befriend her? It would be interesting!)

  31. ((Lol, willowfeather!))

    Ash got up and stiffly led the way and trying to keep his emotions from showing on his face.
    (Next post at the hunters den)

    Amber nodes, laughing,"You don't look weird!" she barked before getting up and trotting to the River with Sky.
    (Next post at the river)

  32. ((Sure Lionstar. Just follow Ash and Moonshine.
    Lol Willowfeather, I'm five steps ahead of you! XD Remember the greeting at the top of the page? XD Still, I do like that phrase.

    Ash she ehaded after Ash, Moonshine glanced over at Snow. With a flick of her black tail, she signaled for her to follow. The corner of her mouth twictehd slightly as she almost smiled.

    ((And yes, next post Hunter's den, Amber))


Be clever. Be wise. Be somewhat literate.