Welcome to Visitors

Greetings. I am Clawface, the Alpha of these parts. I can see you're unfamiliar with my territory, yes? Come along. You'll find something similar to hospitality inside our camp, though not for more than a night or two or you'll start getting dirty looks. Our pack is among the largest and strongest of packs. We are not your average softhearted puppy-pets, as are many of our... ahem... cousins, but rather stonehearted warriors who do not and will not hesitate to defend each other at the cost of our lives. It would be a good idea for you to keep your intentions and destinations to yourself. More than one of us is suspicious of any and all strangers. So go ahead and take a look around. Grab a bite to eat when the crabbier packmates, including myself, aren't watching, take a swim at the falls... whatever, for all I care. Just don't be here tomorrow unless you want to join us! We'll see about that.

Romeo's Duties

Finish your Border Patrol and report back to me in the Alpha's Den.

((... I'd also like for the person who roleplays as Romeo to make your activity known - otherwise you will be taken from your position. I can't have inactive Betas, now can I?))

Sky's Duties

Relieved from duties, for the moment.

(( Kudos to you, Alado/Pebble, for being one of the only people still active here XD ))

Amber's Duties

Relieved from duties for the moment.

((Until your roleplayer shows me he/she is active!))

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Member!

Clawface swiftly leapt up to the Tallrock. She lifted her chin and let out a long, echoing howl that reverberated around the territory. No wolf could miss it - and none did.
"Let all those old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Tallrock for a pack meeting!"
Soon all the wolves were gathered beneath their Alpha. Looking down at them from her lofty position, Clawface barked "We have a new member in our ranks. Make welcome Fawn, our newest Apprentice, and treat her as one of our own, for that is what she is." The blue-gray wolf turned her yellow-eyed gaze to look at Sky, one of the many wolves gathered beneath her. "Sky, you will mentor Fawn. Train her in the ways of a Guard, and pass on all knowledge you know to her. Meeting dismissed!"

Fawn! Fawn! Fawn! Fawn! Fawn!

((Welcome Fawn!
Also wanted to mention - Snow, you still haven't told me what your rank is: Guard, Hunter, or Apprentice? I also need a different picture (read the last 'New member + Plot' post to find out why) If you don't have a different picture I can find one for you if you like. ☺ ))


  1. Fawn nodded and dipped her head quickly to Clawface and then to Sky. She didn't like the look of the leader, to many scars. Sky on the other hand was strong and tall, hopefully nice.
    She shied away from the large head that dipped to her and skittered towards Sky, he would be safe.
    She looked around the clearing, it was nice and small and it looked safe enough. The smaller one looked like it would be hers, or maybe the one near all that grass, certainly not the one with the milk or herb sent coming from it.

  2. Tumbleweed wagged her tail at the new apprentice.
    "Welcome, Fawn," the skinny brown she-wolf barked quietly. She dipped her head to Sky as well.

  3. Fawn dipped her head and skittishly backed away from Tumbleweed, pressing against the cold rocks.

  4. "Hi Clawface, Fawn." He dipped his head in greeting as he adressed his packmates.

  5. Amber walked over to Fawn and looked down at her kindly, "It all may seem a bit scary but once you get to know everyone you'll see where all big softies!" she said smiling at the apprenitce sympatheticlly.

  6. "S-softies?" Fawn muttered looking at the thick, rippling mussels that she could easily spot on every wolves pelt.

  7. Amber nodded still smiling, "We may be strong but we never hurt family and you are now family!" she said kindly.

  8. He nudged Amber. "Where was this not hurting thing when you were tackleing me!" He chuckled. "I think you hurt my shoulder." He complained with a smile.

  9. Fawn nodded "O-Okay" she stuttered looking at Sky then to Amber, were they mates or just close friends? Fawn wasn't sure, she was so new to this new and peaceful pack-life.

  10. Amber smiled and niped his ear then licked his cheek, "I wasn't even trying then!" she laughed.

    (Lol, Sky hasn't actually asked Amber to be his mate yet!)

  11. (Lol he will ask her.. iunno when, its a secret >:))

    He rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, the bug scary white wolf injured me and she wasn't trying to." He nudged her gently and looked at Fawn. "Where did you stay before you came here?"

  12. Amber laughed and looked quietly away from Fawn as if something was interesting so Fawn didn't feel to pressured, "Well I cirtainly scared you in the swamp!" she said.

  13. "No,..I uh.. I don't know. I wasn't scared!" He protested then sat down.

  14. Fawn crinkled her eye brow and nodded with a small smile. "Scaredy pup?"

  15. "Who me?" He looked at Fawn. "Never."

  16. Amber smiled, "Never is a bit of an over statement don't you think?" she said slyly.

  17. "Do you want me to make you scared?" He challenged. "I will." He smiled.

  18. Fawn looked Sky in the eyes, trying to figure out if he was lying, where she came from the wolves didn't lie about these things. . .

  19. He blinked. Not showing anything in his eyes. Then he nudged Amber. "I'm really not scared. Especially not afraid of you." He chuckled.

  20. Amber gave Sky a powerful nudge intending to knock him over then mock growled, "I am a scary rouge and now you are dead" she laughed licking his cheek and pretending to bite him on the neck before jumping off and sitting down.

  21. Fawn watch with a weird expression on her face, "Well Ill see you later" she nodded to them the skitter around the clearing to disappear into the forest.

  22. "Okay." He chuckled and got up, shaking the dust off of his pelt and onto Amber. "Hah!"

  23. Amber turned aroung and kicked up some dirt back onto him, "Ha yourself!" she smiled but it dissapeared when Fawn ran off, "Hope we didn't scare her..." she mutterd

  24. "Of course we scared her. You just looking at her scared her." He teased. With a playful grin he leaped at Amber and pinned her down.

  25. Amber laughed, "No I am sure it was you!" she said rolling over to dislodge Sky and getting up, "I have to lead the hunting patrol" she licked him, "Meet up when I am back?" she asked before turning and heading to the Hunters Den.

  26. He nodded. "I have to go patrol the borders anyway."


Be clever. Be wise. Be somewhat literate.