Welcome to Visitors

Greetings. I am Clawface, the Alpha of these parts. I can see you're unfamiliar with my territory, yes? Come along. You'll find something similar to hospitality inside our camp, though not for more than a night or two or you'll start getting dirty looks. Our pack is among the largest and strongest of packs. We are not your average softhearted puppy-pets, as are many of our... ahem... cousins, but rather stonehearted warriors who do not and will not hesitate to defend each other at the cost of our lives. It would be a good idea for you to keep your intentions and destinations to yourself. More than one of us is suspicious of any and all strangers. So go ahead and take a look around. Grab a bite to eat when the crabbier packmates, including myself, aren't watching, take a swim at the falls... whatever, for all I care. Just don't be here tomorrow unless you want to join us! We'll see about that.

Romeo's Duties

Finish your Border Patrol and report back to me in the Alpha's Den.

((... I'd also like for the person who roleplays as Romeo to make your activity known - otherwise you will be taken from your position. I can't have inactive Betas, now can I?))

Sky's Duties

Relieved from duties, for the moment.

(( Kudos to you, Alado/Pebble, for being one of the only people still active here XD ))

Amber's Duties

Relieved from duties for the moment.

((Until your roleplayer shows me he/she is active!))

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Aurora's Pups

Thunder rumbled outside as Mystic nosed a few herbs into a pile, after they had been scattered by a few naïve, playful pups. She looked up. “You hear that, Bud?
Bud nodded. “You think there’s enough time to collect a few more herbs before it starts to rain?”
Mystic shook her head. “Nope. Look, it’s raining already.”
Indeed it was; fat drops pelted the hard-trodden ground that could be seen from the entrance to the Medic’s den.
Bud ruffled her fur slightly. “I hope no one’s out there right now. Whoever is will be in for a good bath, and probably catch a cold too.”
Mystic, now finished with her herbs, settled down into her nest and sighed. “Well, let’s get some sleep and let the rain do its work. Tomor-”
“Mystic! Mystic!” Suddenly Comet burst into the den, attempting to catch his breath and crying the medic’s name between pants. “It’s Aurora! I think she’s-”
“Don’t tell me, don’t tell me!” Mystic barked, springing out of her den. “Pups, right?”
Comet nodded breathlessly. “She’s just outside of the camp. Hurry!”
“In this rain?!” Mystic growled. “What are the odds? Come on, Bud!” She darted out of the den and into the pouring rain, and pelted across the clearing. She vanished outside of the camp with Bud on her heels. Comet raced after them breathlessly, whilst protesting “We were taking a walk! I didn’t expect…..”
Aurora was on her side, breathing heavily. Her usually dazzling white fur was soaked and water streamed off of her. Mystic knelt beside her, her ears flopping as they were battered by the rain. “Find me some iris petals, Bud. And be quick!”
Bud, not sure what to do besides follow orders, ran off back to the den as she was told.
Comet, who looked like a skinny gray rat in the wet weather, licked Aurora fervently. “Will she be okay?” His face was anxious.
“She’ll be fine,” Mystic muttered as she worked on getting out the first pup. Bud soon returned with the petals. Mystic nodded to her. “Use them.”
Bud stood frozen for a moment. “…...How?”
“Don’t you remember any of your training? They’ll help her breathe. Use them!”
Bud snapped to it and did as told.
Soon, a very damp Aurora was curled in the nursery with two small pups. Comet perched next to her, licking her wet ear tenderly.
Aurora sighed and watched her pups with gentle violet eyes.
“What should we name them?” Comet wagged his tail a bit.
Aurora closed her eyes and rested her head against him. “Look at our son, Comet. Doesn’t he look just like you?”
Comet tilted his head slightly, studying the gray pup. Indeed he did; the father and son could have been called clones. “Yes?”
“His name’s Huit.” Aurora smiled faintly. “His name means ‘comet’.”
Touched, Comet nosed his mate and said “And as for the other?”
“You decide,” Aurora mumbled. Her voice was becoming blurred as she started to drift off to sleep.
Comet studied his daughter carefully. “Rain,” he finally barked softly. “I’ll name her Rain.”
“Good choice…………………” Aurora’s breathing became slower and she didn’t move much after that. Comet sank down into a reclining position and rested his head on the ground next to hers.

((First litter born in Moonpack!!!! *Passes out cake* :D
Oh btw, Swirly Girl, I did post at the Border Patrol. Just look back a few posts, Thunder and Alado are there also so you may have missed mine. ☺ ))


  1. (It's good, and I like the names! :P )

  2. ((Oh lol, thank you. Scareyes came up with Huit, I chose Rain. ☺ ))

  3. (YAY! More pups! Although they are newborn. . . . . wont have much fun till they grow up)

  4. ((Well, depending on how active Scareyes is, they'll be old enough to play before you know it! ;) ))

  5. ((I'm here I'm here lol :) I'm gunna make a post in the nursery now :)))

  6. (LOL! ☻ <--- just figured how to do that ;))

  7. ((XD Great! I have a challenge for ya....try to figure out how to make this: ♫
    Good luck!))

  8. (IDK! :P I TRIED AND IT JUST KEPT EXITING! XD ↨☻↓↔§♥#'&♣♣☻♥↨♀♂▬!7 :P Iunno)

  9. ((HEHEHEHE! Well, I'll give you a hint. You have to press one of the numbers more than once.))

  10. ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

  11. (╒ÄG§ ♀↨☼#☺↕‼τx§▬↨á♪♪☺○◘╕c!▬♂7 I have no idea.)

  12. It starts with a number between 0-2 lol


Be clever. Be wise. Be somewhat literate.