Welcome to Visitors

Greetings. I am Clawface, the Alpha of these parts. I can see you're unfamiliar with my territory, yes? Come along. You'll find something similar to hospitality inside our camp, though not for more than a night or two or you'll start getting dirty looks. Our pack is among the largest and strongest of packs. We are not your average softhearted puppy-pets, as are many of our... ahem... cousins, but rather stonehearted warriors who do not and will not hesitate to defend each other at the cost of our lives. It would be a good idea for you to keep your intentions and destinations to yourself. More than one of us is suspicious of any and all strangers. So go ahead and take a look around. Grab a bite to eat when the crabbier packmates, including myself, aren't watching, take a swim at the falls... whatever, for all I care. Just don't be here tomorrow unless you want to join us! We'll see about that.

Romeo's Duties

Finish your Border Patrol and report back to me in the Alpha's Den.

((... I'd also like for the person who roleplays as Romeo to make your activity known - otherwise you will be taken from your position. I can't have inactive Betas, now can I?))

Sky's Duties

Relieved from duties, for the moment.

(( Kudos to you, Alado/Pebble, for being one of the only people still active here XD ))

Amber's Duties

Relieved from duties for the moment.

((Until your roleplayer shows me he/she is active!))

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gathering Tonight

((Hey all! Gathering tonight, here are the people going:








Head over to the Gathering at 7:30 pm! I'll be a little late as my youth group meets on Sundays, but I will try to show up!
Also, a little announcement......))

Clawface leapt up to the Tallrock, her paws lighter than they had been since Night's death. She lifted her chin in a resounding howl that called the wolves of her pack together. "Let all those old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Tallrock for a pack meeting!"
She continued as her packmates gathered beneath her. A few of the pups, Hunter, Olive, and Mallorie, had also snuck out of the den and hung around at the edge of the group, feeling quite important to be participating in a pack meeting.
"Despite the recent occurance of Night's death, our pack moves on. Matias and Kye are expecting pups."
Faces turned toward a proud-looking Matias with his chin held high, and his mate who sat next to him. She too looked rather pleased. Their tails twined around each other slightly.
"It's the power couple!" Hunter whispered, loudly enough for almost everyone in the clearing to hear. "Their pups will beat us in every competition!"
The corners of Clawface's mouth twitched as she almost smiled. "Meeting dismissed."

Matias! Kye! Matias! Kye! Matias! Kye!

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